March 13, 2022
It has been an incredible few weeks. Spring is in the air, which also means that St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. Be sure and check out my post, St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, to learn the story behind why we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and how it is just so much more than corned beef and cabbage.
Book I am reading: The Call of the Wild + Free: Reclaiming Wonder in your Child’s Education by Ainsley Arment I would have to argue that it is reclaiming motherhood and the family as well. I am so excited to read a book that so resonates with my heart on the idea of raising our children in an environment where they are free to learn…naturally. I believe in structure and academics, but not at the expense of losing the wonder and joy of learning. What if we gave our children an abundance of opportunities, time, and access to beautiful things like art, music, good literature, nature, and culture instead of building our education structrued around the bell, standardized tests, regurgitating information, and performace? Allowing our children to learn naturally, the way we do, will set them up to be life-long learners connected to their identity, purpose, and destiny.
Quote I am Pondering: “We were born makers. We move what we’re learning from our heads to our hearts through our hands.” Brené Brown. This quote just caught me off guard, because I was reading it in light of how I homeschool my children. Education is not about stuffing in as much information as possible, but rather fostering in our children a love for learning and then giving them the resources to turn their knowledge into something they can create with their hands. When a child builds something and turns to you and says, “Look what I did,” their confidence grows and they seal their learning with an experience. We were created in the image of God, the Creator. It is only natural that it would be in our instincts to want to create. This is not only for children, but you too sister. Get out there and create something with your hands and bask in the feeling of “I just did this!”
Product I am enJOYing: I don’t know about you, but finding an organic, all-natural deodorant that actually works has been a tough search. Little Seeds Organic Deodorant is a local family-owned company that makes the best products. Not only do I love supporting the little guy, but I love supporting local as well. Little Seed Organic Deodoarnt is made with organic ingredients and is aluminum and baking soda free. They come with a little stick applicator to keep things clean. I like that. My favorite scent is the Jasmine & Green Tea. Just so you know, I have been using it for over a year and it has never failed me. I stay fresh all day.
What we are Eating: Well this week is a special week, being St. Patrick’s Day and all. Even though I am not Irish, my family has always enjoyed celebrating by feasting on Corned Beef and Cabbage on March 17th. Check out my post on St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and see all the many ways to bring a little Irish into your home.
How we are Playing: Along with the Corned Beef and Cabbage, we have discovered many ways to be Irish for a day: Irish dancing, treasure hunt, shamrock search, and even a family movie night with an old Disney Classic, Darby O’ Gill and the Little People. Check out my post on St. Patrick’s Day Celebration for all the fun details.
Ways we Can Love: I have been thinking a lot about the water we drink. We have a Crown Berkey Water Filtration System on our kitchen counter because we drink a lot of water in our home. There is just so much junk in the water supply that I don’t want our bodies to ingest. All that to say, I have been thinking about people in other countries that are in a water crisis. They have to walk for miles for water, carrying big, heavy buckets and it is not even clean water. They are sick because of it. This hurts my heart because we are so grateful for clean water to drink and bathe in. Here they don’t even have clean tap water. Our family has enjoyed sowing monthly into a charity called Charity Water. They build wells all over the world to bring clean water to people as well as open up opportunities for the children to go to school because they no longer have to walk so far to get water every day. 100% of the money goes to fund water projects and they send you an update each month of the familes you have helped sow into.
Living Holistically: I love what Jaime Cross, CEO and Founder of MIG and the Her Effect says, “Taking daily action to let go of the things that don’t serve your mind, body, or soul.” I ask why a lot. I ask what’s in it a lot. We have one body and one life to live and I want to live it as holistically and healthy as possible. One way I have created a more holistic home is by detoxifying my laundry room. The less toxins we ingest, wear, use, breathe in, etc., the more we can support our bodies and immune systems in health and healing. Check out my post on Cutting Costs and Detoxifying Your Laundry Room.
That’s it for this week. I would love your response and what lights you up…lets keep the conversation going!
This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Unless stated otherwise, I will only recommend products I personally enJOY. See my full disclosure here.