February 27, 2022
Well, this is an exciting day! As promised, I am finally sending out my first Well-Seasoned Sundays email. I have been busy adding content to my blog, SeasonedwithJoy.com, and have reached 62 posts. My goal for this year (by September) is 100 posts. I am having so much fun and learning so much.
On a more personal note, I want to let you into my private world and connect you with ways we are walking out my blog themes- Eat, Play, Love, & Holistic Lifestyle…how we are living our ordinary life, day by day, in an extraordinary way. Additionally, I would also love to share with you ways I am investing in myself and my family through the books we are reading, courses we are taking, music we are listening to, and even favorite movies we are watching.
I love community, and through community we discover new things and share our lives. We get a window into a new world of discovery, connecting each other to some great resources such as cooking ingredients, body products, home decor, or even homeschooling helps (for those of you who homeschool). It’s so fun to share and I love to hear what brings you JOY as well. In general, I just want to connect like girlfriends do. How does that sound? Now for behind the scenes, up close and personal-
Books I am reading: All Things Lovely by Jenn Johnson This is one of those snuggle up and get cozy books with beautiful pictures, recipes, life-changing truth, and all the things I value as a woman. I grab my cup of tea and biscotti by the fire and just finger through, savoring every word. How rare to find a sense of community that inspires you in the pages of a book. Jenn is real and authentic and walking the talk. If you don’t know who Jenn Johnson is, her and her husband, Brian, are the worship leaders at Bethel in Redding, California.
I am also listening to Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers on Audible. It has been a favorite of mine for years. Through the unlikely love story of the two main characters, you get a glimps into the heart of the Father and His unconditional love…no matter what the cost. The movie, now in some theatres, was beautiful, and follows the book pretty closely too.
Quote I am Pondering: “When you are faithful with what is in your hand, God will give you what is in your heart.” Sean Cannell, author and YouTube artist. I keep asking God, “What is in my hand? Give me eyes to see so that I can be faithful with what You have entrusted to me.” Sometimes we just need to step back and look at our lives with fresh eyes. It is easy to become distracted with the big vision of the heart and forget that every big vision is built on baby steps we make along the way.
New Product I am enJOYing: Organic Cotton Towel, Grove Co. X by Jeremiah Brent I don’t know about you, but I love to buy new hand towels for the bathroom every year to freshen up and create a clean and welcoming space. There is nothing like a pretty hand towel, delicious smelling hand soap, and a candle (not to mention a clean toilet) to create a hospitable atmosphere in the home. These towels are super soft, absorbent, hold up nicely in the wash, and are such a beautiful neutral color.
What we are Eating: I am a tea fanatic, especially in the cozy winter months. My favorite loose-leaf tea is Vanilla Rooibos Tea from Mountain Rose Herbs to have with my homemade Chocolate Almond Biscotti, my favorite Hygge treat. The taste of the melted chocolate and toasted almonds dipped into a mug of vanilla bliss…it’s a beautiful thing!
How we are Playing: My family is really into Escape Rooms. We have done two in Nashville, TN and our favorite one, in New York City for my daughter’s 18th birthday. I love the team building opportunities and discovering new things about my family and friends. You really get to know a person when they are under pressure lol!
We just discovered these monthly subscription boxes called Finders Seekers Escape Room in a Box. What a great way to peel the family away from electronics, engage your brain, problem solve, and have a few laughs while you race against the clock.
Ways we Can Love: As much as I love winter and love the snow even more, I know there are those of you who are counting down the days until the sun comes out to play. In the meantime, check out my post on 60 Ways to Savor the Winter Season with Family to get some inspiration on savoring what is left of the winter months. You may even discover a new appreciation for wintertime and cozying up with the ones you love.
Living Holistically: For those of you who are interested in building your own home apothecary and learning how to prepare your own home remedies, you will love this recipe: Elderberry Syrup for Colds and Flu is a delicious family recipe that will build up your immune system or help stop a cold in its tracks. Not only is it delicious, but it is loaded with immune building ingredients, antioxidants, Vitamin C, and healthy probiotics to strengthen your gut biome.
That’s it for this week. I would love your response and what lights you up…lets keep the conversation going!
In everything you do -eat, play, and, love- may it always be Seasoned with JOY!
This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Unless stated otherwise, I will only recommend products I personally enJOY. See my full disclosure here.