All Natural Face Powder is an easy and effective way to prepare the face for makeup, dust away shine, and add that fresh put-together look. Oh, and did I mention you could eat it? Not that you would want to. Prepared using common kitchen ingredients like arrowroot powder, cocoa, and spices, this is one of the most natural things you could put on your face. Saves a few pretty pennies too.

Simple Ingredients…You Could Eat?
Now, I know the goal is not to be able to eat all your makeup, but did you realize that your skin is the largest organ of your body and covers a surface area of about 22 square feet? Honestly, I look at my skin like a giant mouth. Whatever you put on your skin, goes into your body. Most commercial cosmetics are known for being full of chemicals. That being said, I try my best to live by the motto, “If I wouldn’t eat it, I won’t put it on my body.” Same thing regarding detergents I use to wash my clothes as well as sheets and towels. Anything that touches the body gets the once over by me. But that is another post. Check out my post on Detoxifying Your Laundry Room.
Less is More with All Natural Face Powder
Technically, I am not one to spend tons of money on makeup, although I do purchase all-natural products. Limiting toxic products in our home as well as in our bodies is super important to me. I want to be kind to my body and honor it as it honors me every day. Truthfully, we only have one body and it would be nice to keep it performing optimally all the days of our lives, right?
Face powder is one of those things that is easy to prepare using ingredients you already have in your kitchen. I have used it for years and focus my spending on the perfect lipstick or mascara (things I won’t even attempt to make… not yet anyway).

A Note on the Perfect Tint
Have you ever done one of those face swaps with your kids on Snapchat? It’s totally creepy! Actually, my point is not about endorsing Snapchat, but rather making the point that not all skin tints are the same. I have always considered myself fair-skinned until I swapped faces with my son and saw how much more tan I am than him (don’t tell him I said that). His skin was so smooth and creamy white…I didn’t want to give his face back (lol).
Anyway, you may have to experiment a bit with this recipe. Start with the original recipe and add more cocoa or cinnamon based on your skin tone. Cocoa for more brown skin and cinnamon if you have more red undertones. Also, keep in mind the season. I always brown up in the summer, so I add a bit more cocoa. P.S. Don’t you just love the idea that you have chocolate all over your face and it looks good? I do. It smells amazing too.
Homemade Face Powder

This customizable all-natural face powder is made from ingredients most likely found in your kitchen.
- 1/4 cup arrowroot powder
- 2 T cocoa powder (more for darker skin)
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 2 tsp. Kaolin clay or bentonite clay
- 5 drops vitamin E oil (optional)
- 5 drops each Frankincense and Lavender essential oil (optional)
- In a glass bowl, mix all your powdered ingredients. The amount of cocoa you use will depend on your skin tone. I use more cocoa in the summer because I usually tan more. Test on your skin tone to see your perfect amount.
- If using vitamin E (natural preservative) and/ or essential oils (scent and healing for the skin) then stir them into the powdered ingredients.
- Store in a small container with lid and use with a dry sponge or blush brush to apply.
- I prepare a new batch every 6 months.

Check Out My Other Non-Toxic Posts and DIY Projects
In everything you do -eat, play, and, love- may it always be Seasoned with Joy!
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