“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3
Is anyone else struggling to keep in perfect peace?
I sometimes admit to feeling shaky because I have not kept my mind and imagination focused on truth but rather on what I see in the natural.
It is easy to look around you and declare what you see, but it takes faith ignited by a focused imagination to declare what is true.
I am realizing that I cannot be a victim and a victor at the same time.
Jesus is bigger than ANYTHING we can or will go through in this life.
I sometimes wonder if I realize how truly good God is and what He accomplished on that cross for us so many years ago.
Jesus said we can be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. There will be trials, but we have overcome the world because we are in Him.
He gave me this simple picture this week that I keep before me…
I step into Him to rest. He steps into me to move.
We are not alone.
This week, He asked me, “Do you speak to the mountains in your life, or do you bring them to Me believing you somehow have to convince Me to move?
He’s already moved those mountains two thousand years ago. I just need to speak to them.
He told us to come into agreement with His truth (already paid for) and speak to the mountains with the authority He gave us.
But to speak to those mountains, we must see them moved in our imagination first.
Psalm 1 implores us to meditate on His word day and night.
Meditate on His words until you can see what you can’t see with your eyes.
Hope = positive use of your imagination
Hope is the antidote for depression.
Emotions follow thoughts.
If your emotions are all over the place, is it possible you have the wrong thoughts?
I am learning that It’s not what happens to you that dictates your emotions but how you perceive what happens that affects you.
We always have a choice in how we see things and what we fill our minds with.
Are you constantly watching biased news, surrounding yourself with negative influences, or focusing on all that could go wrong?
What are you allowing to paint the pictures in your mind?
Hebrews 11 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Faith cannot birth what it doesn’t hope for.
Our imaginations are spiritual wombs.
God’s word is the seed.
Miracles are birthed from the inside out.
I want to encourage you.
Myself also.
You have a bright future. God has provided everything you need, but it has to get from your spirit and through your mind before you can see it manifest in your body or situation.
God has given you the seed of His Word to meet every need of your life.
You just have to conceive it, nurture it, and watch it birth.
Miracles are birthed from the inside out.
See What’s New on the Blog

Springtime means light and simple meals with a bit of cozy in the cool evenings. My soup pot is always on as well as bread in the oven. I am perfecting sourdough dinner rolls so stay tuned for those.
My go-to soup has been Greek Lemon Chicken Soup served with my favorite No Knead Lemon, Garlic, & Rosemary Bread-easy peasy!
In the evenings, before bedtime, I have discovered a new love…Moon Milk. Don’t you just love the name? Check it out and stay tuned for new varieties to come.
For your sweet tooth, Homemade Cinnamon rolls are a must if you want to break out the dusty bread machine. We are having them for Easter breakfast but they will be great for Mother’s Day coming up.
Seaside Chocolate Chip Cookies are new to the blog. Anyone getting anxious to get their feet in the sand and surf?
For fun, check out my post on 30 Ways to EnJOY the Springtime with Family for some creative ways to get outside and discover the world waking up.
Also be sure and check out my post on how to grow and harvest your own ginger root! It’s time to plant!
Lastly, I have compiled a list of A Few of My Favorite Things…because I LOVE making lists and sharing my favorite things. Because that’s what girlfriends do. We share our favorite things with our favorite people.
If you haven’t read my book Water Walkers yet, get your copy on Amazon and prepare to be inspired and encouraged to confront mediocrity and step out into your destiny.
P.S. I am branching out on my blogging and learning how to incorporate video. This is just another way to stay connected with you and inspire you to live your ordinary lives, day by day, in an extraordinary way.
Check out my Seasoned with Joy YouTube trailer by clicking on the button below… and please subscribe:
Love you guys! EnJOY this spring and the promise of new life that it brings with it.
In everything you do -eat, play, and love- may it always be Seasoned with Joy!
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