Bird Seed Ornaments are not to hang on your Christmas tree but outdoors for all the birds to gather for a treat. In fact, we make several batches of these in the autumn and winter months and hang them as ornaments with pretty ribbons; Christmas for the birds. Simple enough for the kids to make and so fun to watch the birds discover them.

Feeding the Birds: A Seasonal Tradition
Preparing Bird Seed Ornaments has long been a tradition in our home because I have discovered that I love to feed things: people, animals, plants, and whatever else wants to eat. Why do you think God created us to need to eat so often? I assure you, it wasn’t to slow down your productivity. No, it was because He longs to feed us. What better time than eating to slow down for a conversation? We were never meant to go go go without taking a breath.

Food is plentiful for the birds in the summer, but in the fall, they begin busily preparing for winter. We like to give them a little boost with these birdseed ornaments. Additionally, we hang orange slices or apples all winter and gather pinecones to cover with peanut butter, roll them in birdseed, and hang them in the trees with twine. For a special Thanksgiving treat, it is fun to carve out a pumpkin, fill it with birdseed, and hang it on the front porch to watch the birds.

Look at the Birds of the Air
Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
Matthew 6:26
I find so much pleasure each morning in feeding the birds. Matthew 6 reminds me that God values me more than the birds of the air, and they never seem stressed or worried. Even amid a crisis in the world, the birds keep on singing. Consequently, I want to posture my heart with the birds each morning. I, too, can be joyful in a storm because my Heavenly Father cares for me.
Get the Kids Involved

Bird Seed Ornaments are fun for the kids to make and teach them how to be good stewards of God’s creation. As a bonus, they can pull out a field guide, a sketch pad, and colored pencils and identify and draw the birds they observe.
Bird Seed Ornament Recipe

- 4 cups wild birdseed mix (my favorite is Audubon Park 40 lb bag from Costco)
- 3/4 cup flour
- 1 T gelatin (I use Perfect Bovine 100% Grassfed Beef Gelatin because I also use this for my homemade jello)
- 3 T honey
- 1/2 cup warm water
- Donut pan
- cooking spray
- ribbon
Dissolve the gelatin in the warm water. Whisk in the honey and flour until the lumps are gone. Mix in the bird seed one cup at a time until all the gelatin paste is evenly distributed and the seed is thoroughly coated.
Spray the donut pan to coat and fill each mold with the birdseed mixture. Pat down and allow to dry for at least 24 hours. When fully dry, hang them on the tree with ribbon or twine. Makes six ornaments.
Birdhouse Gourds

I realize that birdhouse gourds are technically not “feeding” the birds, but why not create a bed-and-breakfast experience for your favorite flying creatures? Birdhouse gourds are fun to grow, dry, and make into houses that dangle from the trees. They are great for hanging around in a garden to attract birds and as a natural pest control for bugs. Additionally, decorate your home with birdhouse gourds for a beautiful way to bring the outside in. You can check out my post on how to Transform Your Home Into a Seasonal Haven for more ideas.
This video from Living Traditions Homestead will show you how to dry, cut, and prepare your birdhouse gourds. Like this family, we like to keep ours plain, but you can also check out this short video by The Woodland Elf on how to make a painted birdhouse out of a gourd. Either way, taking care of the birds is a wonderful way to connect to nature, learn about God’s beautiful world with your children, and have fun in the process.

Shop This Post:
Donut pan for the mold
Gelatin – I use this for my homemade jello as well.
Backyard Birds Peterson Field Guide for Young Naturalists
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In everything you do -eat, play, and, love- may it always be Seasoned with Joy!
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